After a years long struggle that could not be won with illness and loss, I went in winter to far Eastern Long Island to work on translations of my poetry into Spanish for an exhibition, a book and readings in Peru. Walking the beaches, gulls cawed haiku and seaweed calligraphed them while I copied into my sketchbook. Later, learning that the classic form of art containing the poems was called haiga, I started to ink abstracts to print mine.

Volume Covers
Hand Pulled Editions
Three volumes of limited edition haiga have since been produced and bound by Judy Ivry, with fifteen hand-pulled haiga paired with texts in letterpress. Each volume features a unique collaged cover.

Arrested Ephemera
In order to make the hand pulled editions affordable and more readily available, all three haiga volumes have been combined into one book including all images, haiku, and the individually crafted covers. It is titled Arrested Ephemera and published by Paper Crown Press. Varying samples of Arrested Ephemera’s page spreads follow.